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How to set up and use email on the Samsung Mobile

How to set up and use email on the Samsung Mobile

Details you'll need
You will need some information from your email provider in order to begin the set up process:

  • Email address - Your full email address
  • Password - Your usual email password
  • Incoming (POP3) server - If it's not in our table of server settings, your email provider will be able to supply this, and you'll usually find POP3 details on their website
  • Outgoing (SMTP) server - This will depend on which mobile phone network you use. See our table of server settings for details.

(Note: your email provider's POP3 settings will also contain details of the Outgoing (SMTP) server. You don’t need this to receive email on your phone.)

Setting up your email
With this information to hand, setting up your email is easy:

  1. From the standby screen, press the Menu button on the touchscreen (Figure 1).
  2. Press Messages (Figure 2).
  3. Scroll down the Messages menu to highlight Settings. Press the Settings option or tap the Select button (Figure 3).
  4. In the Settings menu, highlight the Email option. Press Email or tap the Select button (Figure 4).
  5. Scroll down the Email menu list to highlight Email setup wizard. Press this, or tap the Select button (Figure 5).
  6. A welcome message will appear onscreen, which asks if you want to continue. Press Yes (Figure 6).
  7. Scroll down to the account you want to configure (in this example, Account 5). Press this, or tap the Next button (Figure 7).
  8. You can now change the name of this account, if you wish. Press the Account name panel (Figure 8), and using the onscreen numberpad, type in the new account name (in this example, Know Your Mobile) (Figure 9). Press OK.
  9. Your new Account name is now shown in the panel. Press Next (Figure 10).
  10. The next screen is the My email information section (Figure 11). Tap the highlighted Enter email address panel, and enter in your full email address using the onscreen numberpad (Figure 12). Press OK.
  11. Back in the My email information screen, tap the Enter password panel (Figure 13). Type in your password using the onscreen numberpad (Figure 14). Press OK.
  12. Back in the My email information screen, press Next to continue (Figure 15).
  13. You now have to input your Email server information (using the Incoming and Outgoing server details described above).
  14. If you are using a POP3 server account, ensure the Incoming server type panel says POP3 (you can tap this panel to toggle between POP3 and IMAP4 options) (Figure 16).
  15. Now tap the the Incoming server (POP3) panel to input the POP3 server details of your email provider. You may be able to find them in our table or from your email provider's website. Type these in using the onscreen numberpad as before (Figure 17). Press OK.
  16. Now tap the Outgoing server (SMTP) panel (Figure 18) to type in SMTP server details. This will depend on which mobile network you're on - see our table again for details. Type in the details using the onscreen numberpad (Figure 19). Press OK.
  17. Back in the Email server menu, press Next to continue (Figure 20). A message appears confirming that You have configured this email account successfully (Figure 21). Press OK.

You are now taken back into the main Email settings menu.

To check that your email account has been added correctly, and selected as your active account, scroll up to Email accounts and tap to select (Figure 22). Your new account should be ticked in the Email accounts list (Figure 23). Press Back to return to the Email menu.

In the email menu you can select options for sending and receiving email - such has how often you want the phone to check your email account, or whether you want to have original messages copied on your replies - just like with regular email.

You're not required to adjust these settings, but it's worth checking them in case there are any options you want to change. These options are listed under the Sending options and Receiving options headings in the Email settings menu.


Receiving and sending email
To look at and download your emails, go back to the Messages menu. You can do this from the Email settings menu by pressing Back twice. If you're in the standby screen, simply press Menu and then Messages as you did before (Figures 1 and 2).

  • In the Messages menu, scroll to highlight Email inbox. Press this, or tap Select (Figure 24).
  • In the Email inbox, you will get subject headers for your downloaded email messages from your email account. These will be listed once the phone has contacted your email account. To download messages press Options, then select and press Download (Figure 25).
  • The phone will now connect to your inbox and begin downloading messages. When your new emails have been downloaded, a message appears onscreen. Press OK (Figure 26). You will see the subject headers listed, and you can scroll through your emails by swiping down the screen (Figure 27).
  • To change the way emails are listed (by date, sender, subject, size) press Options. Scroll down to highlight List by and select. You can now choose the ordering option you prefer (Figure 28).
  • To view emails in your email inbox, tap the email subject headers you want to look at, and they will appear larger onscreen, with full subject headers scrolling across the top (Figure 29). You can adjust the text size up or down simply by pressing up or down the volume control on the side of the phone.
  • To retrieve the full email, press Options, then press Retrieve (Figure 30). You can now see the complete email text (Figure 31). You can scroll through this using your finger onscreen, and again you can use can adjust text size as required by using the volume rocker key.
  • Press the Options key for a list of options, such as Reply, Reply to all, Forward, Delete, Save items, and more.
  • If an email has an attachment you want to view, tap on the attachment to highlight it onscreen (Figure 32), press Options, and then press View (Figure 33).
  • You can view attachments in a selection of standard file formats, including jpegs, Word documents, PDFs and so on, with the option to save them to your phone or memory card.
  • To exit your email inbox, press Back several times, or press the Call End button to go back to the main menu.


Sending emails
Sending emails is very straightforward. You can reply to emails you have received (as outlined above), or you can compose and send them in a similar way to text messages.

  • From the standby screen, select the main Menu and Messages option as before (Figures 1 and 2).
  • In the Messages menu, press Create message (Figure 34).
  • Highlight the Email option and press to select (Figure 35).
  • You can now compose your email. You can tap the appropriate part of the display to select the email address, subject, and message panels (Figure 36).
  • Tapping the relevant icons at the bottom of the page enables you to add a previously saved contact; use the onscreen numberpad to type in an address, subject or text of your email;  or add an attachment you want to send. Attachments can be any sort of unprotected content files stored in the phone or on the memory card, an appointment or a namecard.
  • Once you have composed your email, press the Send icon on the bottom left of the screen to fire it off.
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